Bibliographic Citation
| - RioultD., Bado-NillesAnne, SerpentiniA., GagnaireBéatrice, AuffretMichel, BrousseauP., Le FollF., BetoulleStéphane. In flow cytometry, does results harmonization requires the same equipment ? Case of cell viability. 26. SETAC Europe annual meeting, May 2016, Nantes, France
- Rioult D., Bado-Nilles Anne, Serpentini A., Gagnaire Béatrice, Auffret Michel, Brousseau P., Le Foll F., Betoulle Stéphane. In flow cytometry, does results harmonization requires the same equipment ? Case of cell viability. 26. SETAC Europe annual meeting, May 2016, Nantes, France