Bibliographic Citation
| - Haniyounes, Dedourge-GeffardOdile, PorcherJean-Marc, TuriesCyril, KerambrunElodie, PalluelOlivier, MarchandAdrien, GailletVéronique, DelahautLaurence, BeaudouinRémy, Bado-NillesAnne, GeffardAlain. Interest of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) digestive enzymes as new biomarkers in ecotoxicology field. 9 International Conference on Stickleback Behaviour and Evolution (STICKLEBACK 2018), Jul 2018, Kyoto, Japan
- Hani Younes, Dedourge-Geffard Odile, Porcher Jean-Marc, Turies Cyril, Kerambrun Elodie, Palluel Olivier, Marchand Adrien, Gaillet Véronique, Delahaut Laurence, Beaudouin Rémy, Bado-Nilles Anne, Geffard Alain . Interest of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) digestive enzymes as new biomarkers in ecotoxicology field . 9 International Conference on Stickleback Behaviour and Evolution (STICKLEBACK 2018), Jul 2018, Kyoto, Japan