Bibliographic Citation
| - Colombet Isabelle, Gillaizeau Florence, Bruni Vanida, Korb Virginie, Prognon Patrice, Bégué Dominique, Durieux Pierre, Sabatier Brigitte. Chronology of prescribing error during the hospital stay and prediction of pharmacist's alerts overriding: a prospective analysis.. BMC Health Services Research, BioMed Central, 2010, 10 (1), pp.13. ⟨10.1186/1472-6963-10-13⟩
- ColombetIsabelle, GillaizeauFlorence, BruniVanida, KorbVirginie, PrognonPatrice, BéguéDominique, DurieuxPierre, SabatierBrigitte . Chronology of prescribing error during the hospital stay and prediction of pharmacist's alerts overriding: a prospective analysis. . BMC Health Services Research, BioMed Central, 2010, 10 (1), pp.13 . ⟨10.1186/1472-6963-10-13⟩
- Colombet Isabelle, Gillaizeau Florence, Bruni Vanida, Korb Virginie, Prognon Patrice, Bégué Dominique, Durieux Pierre, Sabatier Brigitte. Chronology of prescribing error during the hospital stay and prediction of pharmacist's alerts overriding: a prospective analysis.. BMC Health Services Research, 2010, 10 (1), pp.13. ⟨10.1186/1472-6963-10-13⟩