Bibliographic Citation
| - Hamdan Diaddin, Leboeuf Christophe, Pereira Cathy, Jourdan Nathalie, Verneuil Laurence, Bousquet Guilhem, Janin corresponding author and Anne. A digestive allergic reaction with hypereosinophilia imputable to docetaxel in a breast cancer patient: a case report. BMC Cancer, BioMed Central, 2015
- Hamdan Diaddin, Leboeuf Christophe, Pereira Cathy, Jourdan Nathalie, Verneuil Laurence, Bousquet Guilhem, Janin Corresponding Author And Anne . A digestive allergic reaction with hypereosinophilia imputable to docetaxel in a breast cancer patient: a case report . BMC Cancer, 2015