Bibliographic Citation
| - Schmutz Myriam, Ghorbani Ahmad, Vaudelet Pierre, Revil André. Spectral Induced Polarization Detects Cracks and Distinguishes between Open- and Clay-filled Fractures. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2011, 16 (2), pp.85-91. ⟨10.2113/JEEG16.2.85⟩
- SchmutzMyriam, GhorbaniAhmad, VaudeletPierre, RevilAndré . Spectral Induced Polarization Detects Cracks and Distinguishes between Open- and Clay-filled Fractures . Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2011, 16 (2), pp.85-91 . ⟨10.2113/JEEG16.2.85⟩