Bibliographic Citation
| - Noël Vincent, Chepfer Hélène, Chiriaco Marjolaine, Brogniez Hélène, Yorks John, Raberanto Patrick. The Diurnal Cycles of Cloud Profiles and Water Vapor over Land and Ocean seen by the CATS Spaceborne Lidar and Megha-Tropiques Sensors. ATMOS 2018, Nov 2018, Salzburg, Austria
- Noël Vincent, Chepfer Hélène, Chiriaco Marjolaine, Brogniez Hélène, Yorks John, Raberanto Patrick . The Diurnal Cycles of Cloud Profiles and Water Vapor over Land and Ocean seen by the CATS Spaceborne Lidar and Megha-Tropiques Sensors . ATMOS 2018, Nov 2018, Salzburg, Austria