Bibliographic Citation
| - Drogue G., Fournier M., Bauwens Alexandra, Buiteveld H., Commeaux F., Degre Aurore, De Keizer O., Detrembleur Sylvain, Dewals Benjamin, François D., Guilmin E., Hausmann B., Hissel F., Huber N., Lebaut S., Losson B., Kufeld M., Nacken H., Pirotton Michel, Pontégnie D., Sohier Catherine, Vanneuville W. . Analysis of climate change, high-flows and low-flows scenarios on the Meuse basin: WP1 report - Action 3 . 2010
- Drogue G., Fournier M., Bauwens Alexandra, Buiteveld H., Commeaux F., Degre Aurore, De Keizer O., Detrembleur Sylvain, Dewals Benjamin, François D., Guilmin E., Hausmann B., Hissel F., Huber N., Lebaut S., Losson B., Kufeld M., Nacken H., Pirotton Michel, Pontégnie D., Sohier Catherine, Vanneuville W.. Analysis of climate change, high-flows and low-flows scenarios on the Meuse basin: WP1 report - Action 3. 2010
- Drogue G., Fournier M., Bauwens Alexandra, Buiteveld H., Commeaux F., Degre Aurore, De Keizer O., Detrembleur Sylvain, Dewals Benjamin, François D., Guilmin E., Hausmann B., Hissel F., Huber N., Lebaut S., Losson B., Kufeld M., Nacken H., Pirotton Michel, Pontégnie D., Sohier Catherine, Vanneuville W. . Analysis of climate change, high-flows and low-flows scenarios on the Meuse basin: WP1 report - Action 3 . 2010.