Bibliographic Citation
| - Demiselle J., Auchabie J., Beloncle F., Gatault P., Grangé S., Du Cheyron D., Dellamonica J., Boyer S., Beauport D.T., Piquilloud L., Letheulle J., Guitton C., Chudeau N., Geri G., Fourrier F., Robert R., Guérot E., Boisramé-Helms J., Galichon P., Dequin P.F., Lautrette A., Bollaert P.E., Meziani F., Guillevin L., Lerolle N., Augusto J.F.. Patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis admitted to the intensive care unit with acute vasculitis manifestations: a retrospective and comparative multicentric study.2017.