"The principle of unavailability of the human body, limit of the economic use of human body" . "Sant\u00E9" . "B\u00E9n\u00E9volat" . "Bio\u00E9thique -- Droit" . . . "Pharmacie" . . "Int\u00E9grit\u00E9 corporelle" . . . "Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . . . "Disponibilit\u00E9 (droit)" . "Corps humain -- Droit -- France" . "Le principe d\u2019indisponibilit\u00E9 du corps humain a \u00E9t\u00E9 pens\u00E9 sous deux aspects : l\u2019impossibilit\u00E9 de vendre ou donner une personne, l\u2019impossibilit\u00E9 de porter atteinte \u00E0 son int\u00E9grit\u00E9. Ma th\u00E8se, c\u2019est que le principe d\u2019indisponibilit\u00E9 du corps humain recouvre encore deux aspects, mais ce ne sont pas les m\u00EAmes. Un principe d\u2019\u00E9conomie, qui emp\u00EAche toute atteinte non n\u00E9cessaire, et a pour objet donc non d\u2019interdire, mais d\u2019\u00E9viter les atteintes dans son volet externe et de les limiter dans son volet interne. Un principe non-n\u00E9gociation, qui interdit un acte d\u00E8s lors que des pressions peuvent \u00EAtre exerc\u00E9es, qui encadre publiquement les atteintes pour garantir, pr\u00E9cis\u00E9ment, un \u00E9gal traitement des corps. Ces deux aspects prolongent en droit public le principe d\u2019indisponibilit\u00E9 en droit priv\u00E9. Le principe est n\u00E9anmoins menac\u00E9, tant par l\u2019exigence d\u2019acc\u00E8s \u00E0 la sant\u00E9 que par la dimension subjectiv\u00E9e de celle-ci, ainsi que par l\u2019immixtion de logiques de profit. Celles-ci permettent des atteintes \u00E0 l\u2019int\u00E9grit\u00E9 pour des raisons non li\u00E9es \u00E0 la sant\u00E9 mais \u00E9conomiques." . . . "\u00C9conomie de la sant\u00E9" . . "2014" . . "The principle of unavailability of the human body has been thought in two different ways : as a prohibition of selling or giving someone, as a prohibition of causing a breaching physical integrity. We defend that the principle of unavailability of the human body still remains under these two apsects, but not exactly within the same meaning. It takes the form of a violation-saving principle, which prevents from all unnecessary violations of bodily integrity, and which aims not to prohibit but to avoid the bodily integrity violations, by its external side, and to limit those, by its internal side. It also takes the form of a principle of non-negociation, which prohibits that pressures may be exercised onto someone to make a person accept an infringement on her body. These two aspects extend in public law the principle of unavailability which already existed in private law. This principle is however threatened by the health requirement, more and more subjective, and by the interference of profit-making interests. These two logic allow some violations of bodily integrity for reasons unlinked to health, but for economic ones." . . "Droit \u00E0 la sant\u00E9" . "Corps humain -- Droit" . . . . . "Non-Profit" . . "Text" . . . . "Bio\u00E9thique" . "Le principe d'indisponibilit\u00E9 du corps humain, limite de l'usage \u00E9conomique du corps" . "Le principe d'indisponibilit\u00E9 du corps humain, limite de l'usage \u00E9conomique du corps" .