"Soils treatment with hydraulic binders physicochemical and geotechnical investigations of chemical disturnances" . . "Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . "Analyse g\u00E9ochimique" . . . "Sols -- Stabilisation" . . . "Chauss\u00E9es -- Sous-rev\u00EAtements" . . "Traitement des sols aux liantshydrauliques\u00A0: aspects geotechniques et physico-chimiques des pertubations de la solidification" . "2012" . "Traitement des sols aux liantshydrauliques\u00A0: aspects geotechniques et physico-chimiques des pertubations de la solidification" . "The reuse of soils after adding binder agents is becoming more and more applied. This treatment technique results in the improvement of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soils, allowing them to be reused in several geotechnical applications. The technical guides \\\"Soils treatment with lime and/or hydraulic binders\\\", (SETRA-LCPC, 2000 and 2007) present the geotechnical investigation methodologies in the laboratory and in situ. However, the analysis of the experience feedback analysis shows some disturbances such as swelling. This research work investigates the influence of assumed disruptive chemical compounds thanks to: -the physicomechanical and physicochemical characterisation of 3 soils of the Normandy region before and after treatment; -the determination of the thresholds of solidification disturbance due to the presence of anions Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, PO43- in soils. The concentrations thresholds are evaluate both from the mechanical performances and the structural stability point of view. At the microscopic scale, the disturbances are studied by the physicochemical and microstructural analyses of the spiked soils. It seems that the four anions have a disturbance potential. But their influence depends to the soil, the treatment, the chemical form of the anion, its concentration, the cure conditions and the geotechnical test. If the introduction of one single anion in the soil doesn\u2019t prevent a reuse of the treated soil in road construction, the simulations of the anions interactions reveal harmful cases of unsuitability, opening on a new approach on the understanding of the solidification disturbances." . . "Ciment" . . "Anions inorganiques" . "Chaux" . "Text" . "M\u00E9canique des sols" . . . . . . "Le traitement des sols aux liants hydrauliques (chaux, ciment\u2026) est un proc\u00E9d\u00E9 de plus en plus pratiqu\u00E9 par les entreprises du BTP en technique routi\u00E8re. Il am\u00E9liore les propri\u00E9t\u00E9s g\u00E9otechniques et m\u00E9caniques des sols dits \u00AB m\u00E9diocres \u00BB in situ. Les guides techniques \u00AB Traitement des sols \u00E0 la chaux et/ou aux liants hydrauliques \u00BB (SETRA-LCPC, 2000 et 2007) pr\u00E9sentent les m\u00E9thodologies d\u2019\u00E9tudes g\u00E9otechniques en laboratoire et in situ afin d\u2019atteindre les performances requises. Cependant, l\u2019analyse du retour d\u2019exp\u00E9rience montre un certain nombre de perturbations du traitement tels que des gonflements. La pr\u00E9sente th\u00E8se s\u2019int\u00E9resse \u00E0 : -la caract\u00E9risation physico-m\u00E9canique et physico-chimique de 3 sols types de la r\u00E9gion Basse-Normandie avant et apr\u00E8s un traitement mixte ; -la d\u00E9termination de seuils de perturbations de la solidification dues \u00E0 la pr\u00E9sence des anions Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, PO43-dans le sol. Les concentrations seuil sont recherch\u00E9es tant du point de vue des performances m\u00E9caniques que de la stabilit\u00E9 structurelle. A l\u2019\u00E9chelle microscopique, les perturbations sont \u00E9tudi\u00E9es \u00E0 l\u2019aide des analyses physico-chimiques et microstructurales des sols dop\u00E9s. Il appara\u00EEt que les quatre anions pr\u00E9sentent un potentiel de perturbation de la solidification dont l\u2019expression diff\u00E8re selon le sol, le traitement consid\u00E9r\u00E9, la forme chimique de l\u2019anion, sa concentration, les conditions de cure et le type de sollicitation. Si l\u2019introduction dans le sol d\u2019un anion unique ne remet pas en cause une r\u00E9utilisation du sol trait\u00E9 en techniques routi\u00E8res, les simulations d\u2019interactions des anions r\u00E9v\u00E8lent des cas d\u2019inaptitude fortement pr\u00E9judiciables, dont le contr\u00F4le doit \u00EAtre poursuivi." . . . .