"Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . . "Les transformations du droit hospitalier contemporain, \u00E9tude sur les \u00E9volutions de la distinction droit public - droit priv\u00E9" . "Les transformations du droit hospitalier contemporain, \u00E9tude sur les \u00E9volutions de la distinction droit public - droit priv\u00E9" . . "Un nouveau mod\u00E8le d'\u00E9laboration et de mise en \u0153uvre de la d\u00E9cision publique en mati\u00E8re sanitaire, assis sur la multiplication des agences et des contrats, et favorisant la participation des citoyens aux politiques sanitaires, a progressivement \u00E9merg\u00E9. D\u00E8s lors, l'hybridation du droit public hospitalier, faisant sien les imp\u00E9ratifs de qualit\u00E9 et d'efficience, et la cons\u00E9cration de ce nouveau mod\u00E8le d\u00E9cisionnel synonyme d'un renoncement, du moins partiel, par l'\u00E9tat, aux vertus de la contrainte ainsi qu'au monopole de la d\u00E9finition de l'int\u00E9r\u00EAt g\u00E9n\u00E9ral, n'ont-elles pas sap\u00E9 les fondements traditionnels de la distinction public \u2013 priv\u00E9 ? En r\u00E9alit\u00E9, la multiplication des agences comme le d\u00E9veloppement de la participation des citoyens contribuent \u00E0 \\\"re-l\u00E9gitimer\\\" la capacit\u00E9 de l'\u00E9tat \u00E0 d\u00E9finir l'int\u00E9r\u00EAt g\u00E9n\u00E9ral, tandis que l'essor contractuel traduit une \u00E9volution des modalit\u00E9s traditionnelles d'exercice de la contrainte publique. En outre, les imp\u00E9ratifs de qualit\u00E9 et d'efficience ne constituent pas de nouveaux principes de gestion du service public hospitalier. N\u00E9anmoins, les \u00E9volutions du droit hospitalier n'ont-elles pas remis en cause la pertinence de l'opposition public - priv\u00E9 en mati\u00E8re de droit hospitalier ? La prise en compte des droits de la personne malade a en effet fait voler en \u00E9clats la pertinence du dualisme juridictionnel comme celle de la classique opposition statut/contrat. Le l\u00E9gislateur a cependant impos\u00E9 de nouvelles mission (lutte contre l'exclusion sociale) et obligation (association des usagers au conseil d'administration) au service public hospitalier. Il y a donc une irr\u00E9ductibilit\u00E9 de la condition d'usager du service public hospitalier" . "A new model of development and implementation of health-related public decision, resting on the multiplication of agencies and contracts, and favouring the participation of citizens in health-related policies, has progressively emerged. Therefore, haven't the hybridization of the hospital public law, through the adoption of quality and efficiency requirements, the consecration of this new mode of decision-making synonymous with a relinquishment, albeit partial, of the virtue of constraint, as well as the state's giving up of the monopoly of defining general interest, undermined the traditional groundings of the public/private dichotomy? Both the multiplication of agencies and the citizens' empowerment actually contribute to endowing the state with a new legitimacy to define general interest, whereas the development of contracts illustrate an evolution of the traditional implementation of public constraint. Besides, the quality and efficiency requirements have not become new management principles of the hospital public service. Nevertheless, hasn't the evolution of hospital law challenged the reality of the opposition between the public and the private sector as far as its enforcement is concerned. Indeed, taking hospital patients' rights into account has made the relevance of both this jurisdictional dualism and the classical opposition between status and contract obsolete. However, the law has imposed a new mission \u2014 fighting social exclusion \u2014 and a new duty \u2014 setting up a committee of users at the Board of Governors \u2014 to the hospital public service. The condition of the hospital public service user has thus become unquestionably crucial" . "2005" . . "H\u00F4pitaux -- Droit -- France" . . "The transformations of contemporary hospital law, a study on the evolutions of the distinction between public law and private law" . . . . . "H\u00F4pitaux -- Politique publique -- France" . . . . "Text" . . . .