"Bible, N.T., \u00C9p\u00EEtres, Paul" . . . "Text" . "Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri)" . . . . "Bible, A.T., Daniel" . "Bible, N.T." . "Bible, N.T., \u00C9p\u00EEtres, Paul -- Sources" . "Bible, A.T., Ez\u00E9chiel" . "Dublin -- Chester Beatty Library" . . . "Bible, A.T., Esther" . "The Chester Beatty biblical papyri, descriptions and texts of twelve manuscripts on papyrus of the greek Bible" . . "Papyrus" . . "Sources" . "1933" . "Bible, N.T., Apocalypse" . . . . "Bible, A.T., Grands Proph\u00E8tes" . "Dublin / Chester Beatty Library" . . . . "Fac-simil\u00E9s" . . . "Bible" . "Chester Beatty Library" . . "Bible, A.T., Gen\u00E8se" . "Bible" . "Papyrus grecs -- Antiquit\u00E9" . . "Bible, A.T." . "Catalogues" . "Bible, A.T., Eccl\u00E9siaste" . "Bible Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri)" . . . . "Bible, N.T., \u00C9vangiles" . "Bible, N.T., Actes" . "Bibel" . . "Papyrus grecs" . .