. "2008" . . . . . "Sols -- Protection" . "From a law standpoint, soil is immovable by its nature, subject to property, but it is also a component of the environment. It provides ecological and economical fonctions, essential not only to ecosystems functioning but also to human life, as soil is at the same time an area, a natural resource and a natural environment. It is a living and vital environment stretching out to the subsoil. Facing the diversity and growing threats to soil (pollution, erosion, etc.), French law seems at first sight, to be deprived of, as there is no specific regulation concerning the soil. But, it is nothing of the sort. The study of law rules related to the protection of this natural environment, allows to reveal a legal system of soil conservation aimed at ensuring its durability. Indeed, the scattering of rules related to soil preservation , hides the gradual and underlying adaptation of the law around two main lines : soil protection and soil remedying. In order to prove the existence of this soil conservation legal system (that is to say its conservation and reparation), this research has been carried out around the two main sources of soil alterations : property and exploitation. Thus soil conservation encompasses all the legal tools, equivalent or specific, ensuring not only the protection but also the reparation of the owned soil and the exploited soil." . . "Sols -- Conservation" . . . "La conservation du sol en droit fran\u00E7ais" . . . "La conservation du sol en droit fran\u00E7ais" . . "Le sol constitue , en droit, un immeuble par nature objet de propri\u00E9t\u00E9, mais \u00E9galement un \u00E9l\u00E9ment de l\u2019environnement. Il assure des fonctions \u00E9cologiques et \u00E9conomiques indispensables tant au fonctionnement des \u00E9cosyst\u00E8mes, qu\u2019\u00E0 la vie de l\u2019Homme, puisqu\u2019il est \u00E0 la fois un espace, une ressource et un milieu naturels. C\u2019est un milieu vivant et vital qui s\u2019\u00E9tend jusqu\u2019au sous-sol. Face \u00E0 la diversit\u00E9 et \u00E0 l\u2019accroissement des menaces pesant sur le sol (pollution \u00E9rosion, etc.), le droit fran\u00E7ais appara\u00EEt a priori d\u00E9muni, puisqu\u2019il n\u2019existe pas de r\u00E9glementation sp\u00E9cifique au sol. Il n\u2019en est rien. L\u2019\u00E9tude des r\u00E8gles de droit relatives \u00E0 la protection de ce milieu naturel permet de mettre en \u00E9vidence un syst\u00E8me juridique de conservation du sol visant \u00E0 en assurer la p\u00E9rennit\u00E9. En effet, l\u2019\u00E9parpillement des r\u00E8gles relatives \u00E0 la pr\u00E9servation du sol cache une adaptation progressive et sous-jacente du droit \u00E0 cette probl\u00E9matique autour de deux axes : la protection et la r\u00E9paration du sol. Afin de d\u00E9montrer l\u2019existence du syst\u00E8me de conservation du sol c\u2019est-\u00E0-dire sa protection et sa r\u00E9paration, la recherche a \u00E9t\u00E9 r\u00E9alis\u00E9e autour des deux principales sources d\u2019alt\u00E9ration du sol : la propri\u00E9t\u00E9 et l\u2019exploitation. La conservation du sol regroupe ainsi l\u2019ensemble des instruments juridiques, semblables ou sp\u00E9cifiques, permettant d\u2019assurer tant la protection que la r\u00E9paration du sol appropri\u00E9 et du sol exploit\u00E9." . "Sols -- Pollution" . "Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . . . "Text" . "Soil conservation in French law" .