"Agent de change" . "\u00C9tat" . "Between the Market and the State : the agents de change, A Historical Economic Sociology of the official Stockbrokers at the Paris Stock Exchange" . . "Finance" . . "Bourse -- Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 -- Paris (France) -- France -- 1800-...." . . "Ordres professionnels -- Paris (France) -- France -- 1800-...." . . . "Cette socio-histoire \u00E9conomique de la bourse de Paris et de ses interm\u00E9diaires officiels, les agents de change expose une analyse des rapports entre l'\u00C9tat et le march\u00E9: au coeur des affaires. L\u00E0 o\u00F9 l'\u00C9tat a encore trop d'int\u00E9r\u00EAt pour ne pas exercer un contr\u00F4le sous la forme d'une position privil\u00E9gi\u00E9e qu'il reconna\u00EEt de fait ou octroie de droit ; l\u00E0 o\u00F9, d\u00E9j\u00E0, des agents priv\u00E9s peuvent en obtenir l'avantageuse exploitation. La premi\u00E8re partie .analyse la logique de constitution du groupe des agents de change en corporation, au dix-neuvi\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. La deuxi\u00E8me partie examine les effets de cette organisation corporative sur les fa\u00E7ons de travailler des agents de change dans les ann\u00E9es 1960-1970 pour rep\u00E9rer les conditions permissives de l'innovation. La troisi\u00E8me partie restitue les dynamiques internationales et macro\u00E9conomiques qui contribuent au regain des activit\u00E9s financi\u00E8res transnationales d\u00E8s les ann\u00E9es 1960 et \u00E0 la restauration de la bourse comme l'une des institutions cardinales de l'\u00E9conomie fran\u00E7aise \u00E0 l'aube des ann\u00E9es 1980. La quatri\u00E8me partie d\u00E9crit les effets de la d\u00E9r\u00E9gulation financi\u00E8re sur les agents de change et leur organisation corporative au cours de cette d\u00E9cennie. La derni\u00E8re partie documente la disparition de l'organisation corporative des agents de change. Au terme de cette th\u00E8se, il appara\u00EEt que l'\u00E9conomie de march\u00E9s financiers d\u00E9r\u00E9gul\u00E9s qui \u00E9merge, en France, dans les ann\u00E9es 1980 ne r\u00E9sout pas les ambigu\u00EFt\u00E9s constitutives des activit\u00E9s boursi\u00E8res. Elles affectent trop l'int\u00E9r\u00EAt g\u00E9n\u00E9ral pour que l'\u00C9tat les abandonne tout \u00E0 fait \u00E0 des agents priv\u00E9s, mais la d\u00E9r\u00E9gulation financi\u00E8re et les privatisations sapent ses moyens de contr\u00F4le." . "Between the Market and the State: the Agents de Change. A Historical Economic-Sociology of the Official Stockbrokers at the Paris Stock Exchange. The doctoral dissertation offers a historical economic-sociology of the official stockbrokers at the Paris stock exchange -the agents de change, until their disappearance in 1988. This study gives us a revealing insight of the relations between the State and the market. Where the State still has major interests in monitoring financial intermediation, through legal or informal delegation of powers ; where private actors already thrive in exploiting de jure or de facto monopolistic positions. The first part of the dissertation analyses the constitution into a guild (\\\"une corporation\\\") of the official stockbrokers' group during the nineteenth century. The second part examines the results of this corporative organisation on the way the agents de change ran their businesses in the nineteen-sixties and nineteen-seventies. In so doing, the study reveals the prerequisite for entrepreneurship. The third part describes the international and macroeconomic dynamics which contributed in the new rise of transnational financial activities as early as the nineteen-sixties. At the dawn of the nineteen-eighties, in France, this combination of international as well as national trends lead, to the renewal of the Paris stock exchange as a crucial institution of French capitalism. The fourth part shows the effects of the financial deregulation on the agents de change and their guild. The fifth and last part documents the disappearance of the agents'guild 10 the late runeteen-eighties. By the end of the dissertation, it appears that deregulated financial markets have not reduced the very ambiguities of financial activities. Indeed financial activities still involve general interest too much for the State to abandon them to private agents. But deregulation and privatizations have dispossessed the State from its traditional means to monitor financial activities and their professionals." . . . "Entre le march\u00E9 et l'Etat, les agents de change, une socio-histoire \u00E9conomique de l'interm\u00E9diation officielle \u00E0 la bourse de Paris" . "2009" . . "Entre le march\u00E9 et l'Etat, les agents de change, une socio-histoire \u00E9conomique de l'interm\u00E9diation officielle \u00E0 la bourse de Paris" . . "Sociologie des professions" . . . "Agents de change -- Paris (France) -- France -- 1800-...." . . . "Institutions financi\u00E8res -- Contr\u00F4le de l'\u00C9tat -- France -- 1800-...." . . "Sociologie de la bourgeoisie" . "Sociologie \u00E9conomique" . "Bourse" . "Text" . . "March\u00E9s financiers" . . "Bourse de Paris -- 1800-...." . . "Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . . . .