. "Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . . . "2010" . . "Psychologie -- R\u00E9silience" . . . "The purpose of this thesis is to examine aspects of psychological resilience as it helps us understand the entrepreneurial process, accounting for both the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs and the process of entrepreneuring. The thesis underscores the concept of \u201Cresilience\u201D, especially as a way of rebounding from major personal traumas and as an important part of initially engaging in entrepreneurial activity. A central question is: in what ways is entrepreneuring a rebound reaction to internal tensions?This thesis builds on theory and research in the field of intrapersonal resilience (psychology) and entrepreneurship (business) focusing more on studies that highlight the initial process of entrepreneurship, the intention model, planned behavior, and a specific concept, known as \u201Cdisplacement\u201D ( Model of Shapero).The intention to create and the energy and determination to build a project or enterprise may well be connected to the personal need to re-invent oneself after some major life shock. It may be an act of psychological resilience.Critical to the thesis is to develop a model that links resilience and entrepreneurship. Having made this connection, the model will contribute to perspectives and practices in entrepreneurship. Several propositions for future research will also result." . . . "The Resilience model for understanding the initial entrepreneurial act, is entrepreneurship connected to rebounding resiliently ?, is it possible to talk about entrepreneurial resilience ?" . "Int\u00E9r\u00EAts professionnels" . "Intention" . . . . "Text" . "L'apport du mod\u00E8le de la r\u00E9silience dans la compr\u00E9hension du d\u00E9clenchement de l'acte d'entreprendre, peut-on parler de r\u00E9silience entrepreneuriale ?" . . "L'apport du mod\u00E8le de la r\u00E9silience dans la compr\u00E9hension du d\u00E9clenchement de l'acte d'entreprendre, peut-on parler de r\u00E9silience entrepreneuriale ?" . "Entrepreneuriat -- Psychologie" . . .