"Tennis de table -- Comp\u00E9titions -- \u00C9motions" . . "Ce travail doctoral a eu comme principal objectif de mieux comprendre le processus \u00E9motionnel (d\u00E9terminants et cons\u00E9quences) de pongistes de niveaux national et r\u00E9gional tel qu\u2019il prend place en contexte comp\u00E9titif durant leurs matchs. Nous \u00E9tude a consist\u00E9 \u00E0 filmer les participants en situation r\u00E9elle de comp\u00E9tition et \u00E0 recueillir, lors d\u2019entretiens effectu\u00E9s \u00E0 posteriori, les verbalisations des participants. Ces derni\u00E8res ont fait r\u00E9f\u00E9rence \u00E0 la nature des \u00E9motions ressenties par les pongistes, \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9valuation cognitive de la situation concomitante \u00E0 leurs \u00E9motions, aux strat\u00E9gies de r\u00E9gulation \u00E9motionnelle mises en place et \u00E0 l\u2019interpr\u00E9tation directionnelle de leurs \u00E9motions. Les verbalisations des participants ont \u00E9t\u00E9 analys\u00E9es au travers d\u2019un traitement quantitatif et qualitatif des donn\u00E9es. L\u2019analyse quantitative a permis de caract\u00E9riser le nombre, la nature, la dur\u00E9e, la direction et la co-occurrence des \u00E9motions ressenties par les participants durant la comp\u00E9tition. De plus, les r\u00E9sultats on sugg\u00E9r\u00E9 que les \u00E9motions non-ponctuelles, comparativement aux \u00E9motions ponctuelles, auraient un impact plus important sur la performance des pongistes. L\u2019analyse qualitative (i.e., th\u00E9orisation ancr\u00E9e) a mis en \u00E9vidence : (1) les contenus cognitifs du processus d\u2019\u00E9valuation cognitive des \u00E9motions sp\u00E9cifiques per-comp\u00E9titives, (2) les caract\u00E9ristiques (nature, efficacit\u00E9 per\u00E7ue) du processus de r\u00E9gulation \u00E9motionnelle au cours de la comp\u00E9tition, (3) les contenus de l\u2019interpr\u00E9tation directionnelle des \u00E9motions sp\u00E9cifiques per-comp\u00E9titives, et (4) les mod\u00E9lisations du processus \u00E9motionnel de chacune des \u00E9motions sp\u00E9cifiques per-comp\u00E9titives ressenties par les participants" . . "Performance (sports) -- \u00C9motions" . "Sports" . "Text" . . "The main aim of this doctoral dissertation was a better understanding of the emotional process (the emotional determinants to the emotional consequences on sporting performance) that takes place for regional and national table tennis players during their matches in a competitive context. For our study we filmed the participants in competitive situations and noted the participants\u2019 comments during retrospective interviews. These comments referred to the nature of emotions experienced by table tennis players, the cognitive appraisal of the emotional situation, the strategies of emotional regulation used, and the directional interpretation of their emotions. The comments of the participants were analysed by quantitative and qualitative means. The quantitative analysis enabled characterization of the number, nature, duration, direction and co-occurrence of emotions experienced by participants during a competition. Moreover, results suggested that non-punctual emotions, compared to punctual emotions, have a more important impact on the performance of table tennis players. Qualitative analysis (i.e., grounded theory) showed: (1) the cognitive contents of the appraisal process of per-competitive specific emotions, (2) the characteristics (nature, perceived effectiveness) of the emotional regulation process during competition, (3) the contents of the directional interpretation of per-competitive specific emotions, and (4) the emotional process of each of the per-competitive specific emotions experienced by participants (identification of the concepts and their relationships)" . . . . . . . . . "Une mod\u00E9lisation du processus \u00E9motionnel pendant les matchs de comp\u00E9tition en tennis de table, un regard nouveau sur la th\u00E9orie relationnelle cognitive motivationnelle des \u00E9motions de Lazarus" . . . "The emotional process during competitive table tennis matches , a new view of the Lazarus\u00E2\u20AC\u2122 relational cognitive motivational theory of emotions" . "2007" . "Une mod\u00E9lisation du processus \u00E9motionnel pendant les matchs de comp\u00E9tition en tennis de table, un regard nouveau sur la th\u00E9orie relationnelle cognitive motivationnelle des \u00E9motions de Lazarus" . "Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . . . "Performances" .