"Exp\u00E9rience" . . . "R\u00E9alit\u00E9" . "L\u2019existence en tant que position (Setzung) absolue de la chose est ce qui reste hors (bien qu\u2019il en soit indissolublement li\u00E9) du syst\u00E8me kantien, qui vise \u00E0 la construction de l\u2019exp\u00E9rience \u00E0 partir de ce que la m\u00E9taphysique appelle repr\u00E9sentation. Cette construction se fonde elle-m\u00EAme sur une position, non ontologique mais intellectuelle, par laquelle le sujet pose l\u2019objet \u00E0 partir de ses structures a priori. Mais l\u00E0 o\u00F9 il semble que le dehors soit compl\u00E8tement asservi aux lois de la pens\u00E9e, \u00E0 savoir dans le syst\u00E8me de tous les principes de l\u2019entendement pur, il appara\u00EEt que telle priorit\u00E9 de la pens\u00E9e repr\u00E9sentative n\u2019est possible qu\u2019\u00E9tant donn\u00E9 que l\u2019entendement \u00AB pose \u00BB l\u2019objet sur le \u00AB rien de donn\u00E9s \u00BB de la chose. Cela signifie que chez Kant la simple impossibilit\u00E9 de d\u00E9finir directement la position d\u2019existence constitue la promesse d\u2019une pens\u00E9e du pur survenir de la chose, du temps vide, de la cr\u00E9ation ex nihilo, de la chose en soi et de mon existence en tant qu\u2019autre" . . . . . "Th\u00E8ses et \u00E9crits acad\u00E9miques" . . "L'existence nue, essai sur Kant" . "Position d'existence et construction de l'exp\u00E9rience chez Kant" . "Existence positing and experience construction in Kant" . . . "Existence (philosophie)" . "Position d'existence et construction de l'exp\u00E9rience chez Kant" . "Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) " . . . "The existence considered as the absolute positing (Setzung) of the thing is what remains out of (even being indissolubly tied to) the Kantian system that aims to the construction of the experience from what in metaphysic is called representation. Such construction is founded on a positing, not ontological but intellective, through which the subject puts the object from its a priori structures. But it is right where it seems that this out is completely enslaved to the laws of the thought, that is, in the system of all principles of pure understanding, that it is shown how this priority of the representative thought is possible only because the intellect \u201C puts \u201D the object on the \u201C nothing given \u201D of the thing. This means that in Kant it is exactly the impossibility of directly defining the positing of existence that opens the promise of a thought of the pure event of the thing, of the empty time, of the ex nihilo creation, of the thing in itself and of my existence as other." . "2006" . . . . . "Text" . . "Repr\u00E9sentation (philosophie)" .