. . "MAIA DE SOUSA Francesco Yuri, Reboucas Deborah Moura, Vaultier Marie-No\u00EBlle, Bagard Mathieu, Costa Jos\u00E9 H\u00E9lio, Hasenfratz-Sauder Marie-Paule, Dizengremel Pierre, Repellin Anne, Fernandes De Melo Dirce, Jolivet Yves. Uncoupling proteins (AOX, pUCP and PTOX) from cowpea plants submitted to ozone exposure, drought stress and a combination of both. 7. Congr\u00E8s des Jeunes Chercheurs de la SFBV, Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 Fran\u00E7aise de Biologie V\u00E9g\u00E9tale (SFBV). FRA., Jul 2012, Grenoble, France" . . "2012" . . . "Uncoupling proteins (AOX, pUCP and PTOX) from cowpea plants submitted to ozone exposure, drought stress and a combination of both" . . . .