"2013" . . . . . "Comparison of vertical mobile hydroacoustic survey strategies for monitoring fish distributions in the Gironde estuary (France)" . . "SamedyV., JosseErwan, GuillardJean, PierreM., GirardinMichel, Bo\u00EBtPhilippe . Comparison of vertical mobile hydroacoustic survey strategies for monitoring fish distributions in the Gironde estuary (France) . Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2013, 134, pp.174-180" . "Samedy V., Josse Erwan, Guillard Jean, Pierre M., Girardin Michel, Bo\u00EBt Philippe. Comparison of vertical mobile hydroacoustic survey strategies for monitoring fish distributions in the Gironde estuary (France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2013, 134, pp.174-180" .