"Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel\u2013experiment framework" . . . "2013" . "McDowell Nate G., Fisher Rosie A., Xu Chonggang, Domec Jean-Christophe, Ho\u0308ltta\u0308 T. Teemu, Mackay D. Scott, Sperry John S., Boutz Amanda, Dickman Lee, Gehres Nathan, Limousin Jean-Marc, Macalady Alison, Martinez-Vila\u0301lta Jordi, Mencuccini Maurizio, Plaut Jennifer A., Ogee Jerome, Pangle Robert E., Rasse Daniel P., Ryan Michael G., Sevanto Sanna, Waring Richard H., Yepez Enrico A., Pockman William T.. Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel\u2013experiment framework. New Phytologist, Wiley, 2013, 200, (Tansley review) (2), pp.304-321. ⟨10.1111/nph.12465⟩" .