. . "Bougnoux Marie-Elisabeth, Dannaoui Eric, Accoceberry Isabelle, Angoulevant Adela, Bailly E., Bouchara Jean-Philippe, Botterel Fran\u00E7oise, Chevrier Sylviane, Chouaki Taieb, Cornet Muriel, Fekkar Arnault, DALLE Fr\u00E9d\u00E9ric, Gangneux Jean-Pierre, Guitard Juliette, Hennequin Christophe, Lepape Patrice, Maubon Dani\u00E8le, Ranque St\u00E9phane, Sendid Boualem, Chandenier Jacques. Micafungin susceptibility of the most common Candida species in 16 French university hospitals : comparison between the Etest\u00AE and the EUCAST methods (MICACAND study). 25. ECCMID, European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and infectious deseases, Apr 2015, Copenhague, Denmark. 332 p., 2015, Antifungal susceptibility" . . "Bougnoux Marie-Elisabeth, Dannaoui Eric, Accoceberry Isabelle, Angoulevant Adela, Bailly E., Bouchara Jean-Philippe, Botterel Fran\u00E7oise, Chevrier Sylviane, Chouaki Taieb, Cornet Muriel, Fekkar Arnault, Dalle Fr\u00E9d\u00E9ric, Gangneux Jean-Pierre, Guitard Juliette, Hennequin Christophe, Lepape Patrice, Maubon Dani\u00E8le, Ranque St\u00E9phane, Sendid Boualem, Chandenier Jacques . Micafungin susceptibility of the most common Candida species in 16 French university hospitals : comparison between the Etest\u00AE and the EUCAST methods (MICACAND study) . 25 . ECCMID, European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and infectious deseases, Apr 2015, Copenhague, Denmark . , 332 p., 2015, Antifungal susceptibility" . . . "BougnouxMarie-Elisabeth, DannaouiEric, AccoceberryIsabelle, AngoulevantAdela, BaillyE., BoucharaJean-Philippe, BotterelFran\u00E7oise, ChevrierSylviane, ChouakiTaieb, CornetMuriel, FekkarArnault, DalleFr\u00E9d\u00E9ric, GangneuxJean-Pierre, GuitardJuliette, HennequinChristophe, LepapePatrice, MaubonDani\u00E8le, RanqueSt\u00E9phane, SendidBoualem, ChandenierJacques . Micafungin susceptibility of the most common Candida species in 16 French university hospitals : comparison between the Etest\u00AE and the EUCAST methods (MICACAND study) . 25 . ECCMID, European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and infectious deseases, Apr 2015, Copenhague, Denmark . , 332 p., 2015, Antifungal susceptibility" . . . . . "Micafungin susceptibility of the most common Candida species in 16 French university hospitals : comparison between the Etest\u00AE and the EUCAST methods (MICACAND study)" . . "2015" . . . . . . .