"Dirberg Guillaume, Barnaud Genevi\u00E8ve, Brivois Olivier, Caessteker Pierre, Cormier-Salem Marie-Christine, CUNY Philippe, Fiard Maud, Fromard Francois, Franck Gilbert, Grouard S., Guiral Daniel, Hubas C\u00E9dric, Imbert Daniel, Lamy Dominique, Meziane Tarik, Michaud Emma, Michelet Claire, Militon C\u00E9cile, Pibot Alain, Proisy Christophe, Robinet Tony, Stieglitz Thomas, SYLVI Lea, Taureau Florent, Udo H\u00E9l\u00E8ne, Walcker Romain, Zeppilli Daniela, Monnier Olivier. Towards the development of ecosystem-based indicators of mangrove functioning state in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive.. Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment, Observatoire Oc\u00E9anologique - Laboratoire Arago, 2020, 70 (3-4), pp.303-310" . . . . . . "Dirberg Guillaume, Barnaud Genevi\u00E8ve, Brivois Olivier, Caessteker Pierre, Cormier-Salem Marie-Christine, Cuny Philippe, Fiard Maud, Fromard Francois, Franck Gilbert, Grouard S., Guiral Daniel, Hubas C\u00E9dric, Imbert Daniel, Lamy Dominique, Meziane Tarik, Michaud Emma, Michelet Claire, Militon C\u00E9cile, Pibot Alain, Proisy Christophe, Robinet Tony, Stieglitz Thomas, Sylvi Lea, Taureau Florent, Udo H\u00E9l\u00E8ne, Walcker Romain, Zeppilli Daniela, Monnier Olivier. Towards the development of ecosystem-based indicators of mangrove functioning state in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive.. Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment, Observatoire Oc\u00E9anologique - Laboratoire Arago, 2020, 70 (3-4), pp.303-310" . . "2020" . . . . . . . . . . . . .