"Ma\u00EBsGa\u00EBtane. Dezallier d\u2019Argenville\u2019s concept on print collections: by topic or by School?. The Artistic Taste of Nations: Contesting Geographies of European Art, 1550-1815, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Jun 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands" . "Between theory and practice: Dezallier d\u2019Argenville\u2019s idea on print collections" . "2019" . "Ma\u00EBsGa\u00EBtane . Dezallier d\u2019Argenville\u2019s concept on print collections: by topic or by School? . The Artistic Taste of Nations: Contesting Geographies of European Art, 1550-1815, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Jun 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands" . .