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Le, LiuK., MadaffariD., MochizukiK., MonnierE., MuanzaS., NagyE., PralavorioP., RodinaY., RozanovA., TalbyM., Theveneaux-PelzerT., TorresR.E . Ticse, TisserantS., TothJ., TouchardF., VacavantL., WangChen, AyoubM.K., BassalatA., BinetS., BecotC., BourdariosC., RegieJ.B . de Vivie De, DelgoveD., DuflotL., EscalierM., FayardL., FournierD., GkougkousisE.L., GrivazJ.-F., GuilleminT., HaririF., Henrot-VersilleS., HrivnacJ., Iconomidou-FayardL., KadoM., LounisA., MakovecN., MorangeN., NellistC., PetroffP., PoggioliL., PuzoP., RenaudA., RybkinG., RousseauD., SchafferA.C., SerinL., ScifoE., SimionS., ZerwasD., ZhangZhongkai, ZhaoY. . Charged-particle distributions in $pp$ interactions at $\\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2016, 76, pp.403. ⟨10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4203-9⟩" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Aad G., Barnovska Z., Berger N., Delmastro M., Di Ciaccio L., Elles S., Grevtsov K., Hryn\u2019ova T., J\u00E9z\u00E9quel S., Koletsou I., Lafaye R., L\u00E9v\u00EAque J\u00E9r\u00E9my, Mastrandea P., Sauvage G., Sauvan E., Simard O., Todorov T., Wingerter-Seez I., Yatsenko E., Boumediene D., Busato E., Calvet D., Calvet S., Chomont A.R., Donini J., Gris Ph., Liao H., Madar R., Pallin D., Saez S.M. Romano, Santoni C., Simon D., Vazeille F., Albrand S., Berlendis S., Camincher C., Collot J., Cr\u00E9p\u00E9-Renaudin S., Delsart P.A., Gabaldon C., Genest M.H., Hostachy J.Y., Ledroit-Guillon F., Lleres A., Lucotte A., Malek F., Stark J., Trocm\u00E9 B., Wu M., Alio L., Barbero M., Calvet T.P., Coadou Y., Diaconu C., Diglio S., Djama F., Ellajosyula V., Feligioni L., Gao J., Hadef A., Hallewell G.D., Hubaut F., Kahn S.J., Knoops E. B. F. G., Guirriec E. Le, Liu K., Madaffari D., Mochizuki K., Monnier E., Muanza S., Nagy E., Pralavorio P., Rodina Y., Rozanov A., Talby M., Theveneaux-Pelzer T., Torres R.E. Ticse, Tisserant S., Toth J., Touchard F., Vacavant L., Wang Chen, Ayoub M.K., Bassalat A., Binet S., Becot C., Bourdarios C., Regie J.B. de Vivie de, Delgove D., Duflot L., Escalier M., Fayard L., Fournier D., Gkougkousis E.L., Grivaz J.-F., Guillemin T., Hariri F., Henrot-Versille S., Hrivnac J., Iconomidou-Fayard L., Kado M., Lounis A., Makovec N., Morange N., Nellist C., Petroff P., Poggioli L., Puzo P., Renaud A., Rybkin G., Rousseau D., Schaffer A.C., Serin L., Scifo E., Simion S., Zerwas D., Zhang Zhongkai, Zhao Y.. Charged-particle distributions in $pp$ interactions at $\\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2016, 76, pp.403. ⟨10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4203-9⟩" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2016" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Aad G., Barnovska Z., Berger N., Delmastro M., Di Ciaccio L., Elles S., Grevtsov K., Hryn\u2019ova T., J\u00E9z\u00E9quel S., Koletsou I., Lafaye R., L\u00E9v\u00EAque J\u00E9r\u00E9my, Mastrandea P., Sauvage G., Sauvan E., Simard O., Todorov T., Wingerter-Seez I., Yatsenko E., Boumediene D., Busato E., Calvet D., Calvet S., Chomont A.R., Donini J., Gris Ph., Liao H., Madar R., Pallin D., Saez S.M. Romano, Santoni C., Simon D., Vazeille F., Albrand S., Berlendis S., Camincher C., Collot J., Cr\u00E9p\u00E9-Renaudin S., Delsart P.A., Gabaldon C., Genest M.H., Hostachy J.Y., Ledroit-Guillon F., Lleres A., Lucotte A., Malek F., Stark J., Trocm\u00E9 B., Wu M., Alio L., Barbero M., Calvet T.P., Coadou Y., Diaconu C., Diglio Sara, Djama F., Ellajosyula V., Feligioni L., Gao J., Hadef A., Hallewell G.D., Hubaut F., Kahn S.J., Knoops E. B. F. G., Guirriec E. Le, Liu K., Madaffari D., Mochizuki K., Monnier E., Muanza S., Nagy E., Pralavorio P., Rodina Y., Rozanov A., Talby M., Theveneaux-Pelzer T., Torres R.E. Ticse, Tisserant S., Toth J., Touchard F., Vacavant L., Wang Chen, Ayoub M.K., Bassalat A., Binet S., Becot C., Bourdarios C., Regie J.B. de Vivie de, Delgove D., Duflot L., Escalier M., Fayard L., Fournier D., Gkougkousis E.L., Grivaz J.-F., Guillemin T., Hariri F., Henrot-Versille S., Hrivnac J., Iconomidou-Fayard L., Kado M., Lounis A., Makovec N., Morange N., Nellist C., Petroff P., Poggioli L., Puzo P., Renaud A., Rybkin G., Rousseau D., Schaffer A.C., Serin L., Scifo E., Simion S., Zerwas D., Zhang Zhongkai, Zhao Y.. Charged-particle distributions in $pp$ interactions at $\\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2016, 76, pp.403. ⟨10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4203-9⟩" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Charged-particle distributions in $pp$ interactions at $\\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC" .