"Ghosh Satrajit, Halchenko Yaroslav, Jarecka Dorota, Nichols Nolan, Poline Jean-Baptiste, Hanke Michael . The best of both worlds: using semantic web with JSON-LD . An example with NIDM-Results & Datalad . OHBM 2019 - 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy" . "Ghosh Satrajit, Halchenko Yaroslav , Jarecka Dorota, Nichols Nolan, Poline Jean-Baptiste, Hanke Michael. The best of both worlds: using semantic web with JSON-LD. An example with NIDM-Results & Datalad. OHBM 2019 - 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy" . . . . . "The best of both worlds: using semantic web with JSON-LD. An example with NIDM-Results & Datalad" . "2019" .