"Sufo Kankeu Richard, Tsayem Demaze Moise, Sonwa D\u00E9nis Jean, Krott Max, Ongolo Symphorien. Governing knowledge transfer for deforestation monitoring: Insights from REDD+ projects in the Congo Basin region. Forest Policy and Economics, 2020" . "Sufo Kankeu Richard, Tsayem Demaze Moise, Krott Max, Sonwa D\u00E9nis Jean, Ongolo Symphorien . Governing knowledge transfer for deforestation monitoring: Insights from REDD+ projects in the Congo Basin region . Forest Policy and Economics, 2020, 111, pp.102081 . ⟨10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102081⟩" . "2020" . . . "10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102081" . . . .